Data dictionary and schema for the property listings responses.

This page contains a data dictionary and a description of all response fields for our property sale listings and rental listings endpoints.


Property Listings Response Fields

The following response fields will be returned as part of both sale and rental listing records:

Response FieldDescriptionExample Value
idProperty Id
Data type: String

A unique RentCast property identifier
formattedAddressFormatted Address
Data type: String

The full property address, in the format Street, Unit, City, State Zip Code
"3821 Hargis St, Austin, TX 78723"
addressLine1Address Line 1
Data type: String

The first line of the property street address
"3821 Hargis St"
addressLine2Address Line 2
Data type: String

The second line of the property street address, typically containing the unit or apartment identifier
"Apt 12"
cityAddress City
Data type: String

The city of the property address
stateAddress State
Data type: String

The state of the property address, as a two-character abbreviation
zipCodeAddress Zip Code
Data type: String

The 4-digit zip code of the property address
Data type: String

The county in which the property is located
Data type: Number

The latitude of the property's geographical location
Data type: Number

The longitude of the property's geographical location
propertyTypeProperty Type
Data type: String (Enum)

The type of the property. See explanation of property types for possible values
"Single Family"
bedroomsNumber of Bedrooms
Data type: Number

The number of bedrooms in the property
bathroomsNumber of Bathrooms
Data type: Number

The number of bathrooms in the property
squareFootageLiving Area (Sq.Ft.)
Data type: Number

The total indoor living area of the property, in square feet
lotSizeLot Area (Sq.Ft.)
Data type: Number

The total lot size of the property parcel, in square feet
yearBuiltYear Built
Data type: Number

The year in which the property was constructed
hoaHOA Details
Data type: Object

Information about the property's homeowner's association (HOA)
{ ... }
hoa.feeHOA Fee Amount (Monthly)
Data type: Number

The total monthly HOA fee or assessment amount
statusListing Status
Data type: String (Enum)

The current property listing status. See explanation of listing statuses for possible values
priceListed Price or Rent
Data type: Number

The listed price or rent of the property listing
listingTypeListing Type
Data type: String (Enum)

The type of the property listing. See explanation of listing types for possible values
listedDateDate Listed
Data type: Date

The date the property was most recently listed for sale or rent, in ISO 8601 format
removedDateDate Delisted
Data type: Date

The date the property listing was most recently removed or delisted, in ISO 8601 format
createdDateDate Created
Data type: Date

The date the property listing was first seen and created, in ISO 8601 format
lastSeenDateDate Last Seen
Data type: Date

The date the property listing was most recently seen as active, in ISO 8601 format
daysOnMarketDays on Market
Data type: Number

The number of days the property listing has been active
mlsNameMLS Name
Data type: String

The MLS name of the property listing, if listed on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS)
mlsNumberMLS Number
Data type: String

The MLS number or unique identifier of the property listing, if listed on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS)
listingAgentListing Agent Details
Data type: Object

Information about the listing agent of the property
{ ... }
listingAgent.nameListing Agent - Name
Data type: String

The name of the listing agent, typically in the format First Name, Last Name
"Jennifer Welch"
listingAgent.phoneListing Agent - Phone Number
Data type: String

The phone number of the listing agent, typically consisting of 10 digits, including the area code
listingAgent.emailListing Agent - Email Address
Data type: String

The email address of the listing agent
"[email protected]"
listingAgent.websiteListing Agent - Website URL
Data type: String

The website URL of the listing agent
listingOfficeListing Office Details
Data type: Object

Information about the listing office or broker of the property
{ ... }
listingOffice.nameListing Office - Name
Data type: String

The name of the listing office or broker
"Gottesman Residential RE"
listingOffice.phoneListing Office - Phone Number
Data type: String

The phone number of the listing office or broker, typically consisting of 10 digits, including the area code
listingOffice.emailListing Office - Email Address
Data type: String

The email address of the listing office or broker
"[email protected]"
listingOffice.websiteListing Office - Website URL
Data type: String

The website URL of the listing office or broker
builderBuilder Details
Data type: Object

Information about the builder of the property. This field will only be present for new construction listings
{ ... }
builder.nameBuilder - Name
Data type: String

The name of the property builder
"Pulte Homes"
builder.developmentBuilder - Development Name
Data type: String

The name of the development or new construction community in which the property is located
"Hampton Lakes at River Hall"
builder.phoneBuilder - Phone Number
Data type: String

The phone number of the property builder, typically consisting of 10 digits, including the area code
builder.websiteBuilder - Website URL
Data type: String

The website URL of the property builder
historyListing History
Data type: Object

A list of historical listing entries for this property, with JSON keys indicating the listing date, in the format YYYY-MM-DD
{ "2024-06-24": { ... } }
history[YYYY-MM-DD]Listing History Entry
Data type: Object

A single historical listing entry, with listing information specific to a past listing date
{ ... }
history[YYYY-MM-DD] .eventListing History Entry - Event Type
Data type: String (Enum)

The type of the historical listing entry, with possible values of "Sale Listing" for sale listings, or "Rental Listing" for rental listings
"Sale Listing"
history[YYYY-MM-DD] .priceListing History Entry - Listed Price or Rent
Data type: Number

The last known listed price or rent of the property listing
history[YYYY-MM-DD] .listingTypeListing History Entry - Listing Type
Data type: String (Enum)

The type of the property listing. See explanation of listing types for possible values
history[YYYY-MM-DD] .listedDateListing History Entry - Date Listed
Data type: Date

The date the property was listed for sale or rent, in ISO 8601 format
history[YYYY-MM-DD] .removedDateListing History Entry - Date Delisted
Data type: Date

The date the property listing was removed or delisted, in ISO 8601 format
history[YYYY-MM-DD] .daysOnMarketListing History Entry - Days on Market
Data type: Number

The number of days the property listing has been active

Listing Status Field Values

The following is a list of possible values of the status response field:

Listing StatusDescription
ActiveIndicates an active listing, which is currently listed on the market. Returned listing fields will reflect the current listing attributes, such as price, listed date, days on the market, etc.
InactiveIndicates an inactive listing, which is not currently listed on the market. Returned listing fields will reflect the last known listing attributes, such as the last known price, listed date, days on the market, etc.

Listing Type Field Values

The following is a list of possible values of the listingType response field:

Listing TypeDescription
StandardA standard or regular listing, which is not classified as another listing type
New ConstructionA listing for a recently constructed property, typically built within the last 12 months
Foreclosure            A sale listing that is part of a foreclosure process, typically being sold by a lending institution that foreclosed on the property
Short SaleA sale listing that is part of a short sale process, typically being sold by a financially distressed property owner